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Water Management Solutions

With a view towards helping achieve sustainability and NetZero world, we are at the intersection of resource engineering, management principles, design & implementation, technology & internet applications and developing people skills. Stress from increased water demand, growing cities, and extreme and prolonged periods of drought and flooding are putting the water resources at risk. We incorporate environment, social and project governance into our project planning all the way to implementation and helping maintain during project lifetime. 

According to American Water Works Association, the five forces driving the future of water include sustainability, technology, economics, governance, social demographic factors.


Watershed management has become a critical necessity for humanity in order to manage progressively scare resource such as fresh water. It involves sustainable ways of acquiring, distributing and managing projects for the benefits of living being on the planet including the humans. It ensures quality, drainage, rights among others. Rural and urban environments require different solutions to problems of scare water as a resource. Safeguarding of water sources, their best use on competing requirements, conservation and proper management go hand in hand in ensuring availability for communities. We aim to strike a balance applying knowledge and technology for the benefit of various communities.


  • Water resources conservation and sustainable responsible management.

  • Water management process and physical facility design and maintenance

  • Technical water management solutions site specific customised to the client requirements

  • This includes treatment and harvesting of water in a sustainable manner to maximize resource availability when people need it.

  • Rain water

  • Sewage water

  • Ground water use

  • Surface stored and flowing water


We provide feasibility studies involving the analysis, design and initial construction, implementation and maintenance support on projects including longer term support commitments on both residential and commercial facilities. Our technology team also enables monitoring, billing, performance predictability and dashboarding with KPIs on such projects for operational excellence in delivering to intended customers. A close coordination with local government authorities is essential to align the community goals and resource conservation.

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Our Project Areas

Our Standard Process

Scoping, Surveying and Investigation of Underlying Needs,Cchallenges


  • Pre-feasibility and options

  • Feasibility studies

  • Quality and quantity assessment, evaluation

  • Site specific plans, topographic, soil and sediment analysis

  • Flood risk assessments

  • Catchment analysis and mapping

  • Water balance analysis, rainfall and other sources understanding

Planning, Analysis, Identify Technology Needs, Design, Engineering of Potential Solutions

  • Planning of technical concepts & solutions, facilities

  • Engineering solutions development & water body desilting and deweeding needs

  • Catchment area biodiversity planning

  • Social and environmental impact assessment

  • Schematic and engineering layout planning and design

  • Material and Cost estimation, financial metrics, benefits quantification

  • Stakeholder engagement


Implementation and Support



  • Construction, commissioning and ongoing support


Ongoing Operations Maintenance and Support



  • O&M of implemented facilities and plan

  • Training of personnel and problem-solving support

  • Annual maintenance contract for customers

Monitoring, Evaluation and Improvement Steps



  1. Learning from ongoing operations

  2. Systems and processes for ongoing monitoring and reporting of performance



Water Treatment Process

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Construction and Maintenance of Water System

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Water Treatment Results

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